Hair Breakage

Hey there!

Today I wanted to touch base on hair breakage. If you have been following my Insta-stories you know this is something I have been struggling with. Being blonde and having curly hair that requires heat styling has caught up to me and I have really been noticing fried ends and breakage around my face and on my hair line. I have switched a couple of things up in my hair care routine so I thought I would share with you all in case you are having similar issues! I will link everything that I can but some things I am using you have to buy from a salon/hair stylist. After chatting with my hair stylist and going over what products I was using we realized that I was using all products that would protect my color but not enough moisturizing products. The first thing I added into my routine is the L’Oreal ABSOLUT REPAIR LIPIDIUM hair mask. It. Is. Amazing. SO moisturizing and has helped my hair so much. I use this once or twice a week. This product is one you have to get at a salon so I linked the website above so you can search for a salon near you. The second thing I added in was the Unite 7 seconds hair detangler. I spray this on my wet hair before brushing it and it seals the cuticle and protects from heat and UV and smells amazing. Another tip from my hair stylist was to really oil up my hair with a nice hair oil the night before I plan to wash my hair. I put two pumps of this oil from root to end then pull my hair up in a scrunchie to sleep in then wash it in the morning. This has also really helped put moisture back into my hair. Those are the product changes I’ve made. I had a good routine before making these changes, I was just lacking some more moisturizing products. I will link everything else I use below.

Lets talk hair tools. Before I made all of these changes I was using my CHI hair straightener from 2009 and that was NOT doing my hair any favors lol. It was completely frying my hair. I made the switch and I got a Usmooth hair straightener. The exact one I got is linked here. I keep this below 340 degrees when straightening my hair. I also turned down the heat on both my curling iron and my blow dryer.

Those are all of the changes I have made so far and I have seen large improvements in my hair in the last month. I also cut off my hair to start fresh with no dead ends. I will link everything I can below and I hope this was helpful!

