My BBL Treatment Experience

Hi Everyone!

This post is all things BBL! I recently got my second BBL Treatment at Monarch Plastic Surgery here in KC. I loved my results so I wanted to share a little more information on this treatment.

What is BBL and what does it treat?

BBL stands for Broad Band Light and is a laser treatment you can get for you face, chest, neck and hands. BBL treats things like age spots, sun damage, sun induced freckles, and birth marks to name a few. I got it to help reverse some sun damage and acne scaring I have developed over the years to make my skin tone more even.

How does it work?

This is a little over my head so I’m going to quote the Monarch website here:

“The unique BBL technology sends a broad spectrum of therapeutic light into the skin. During treatment, the target tissue responds to the heat energy, which is absorbed without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Monarch Skin Rejuvenation Center uses BBL therapy from Forever Young BBL, the only device that has been shown to change the expression of genes associated with visible signs of aging. With regular Forever Young BBL treatments, patients' skin looks clearer, smoother, and much younger.”

You can check out the full page on BBL on Monarchs Website here.

What to expect

The treatment itself doesn’t take long at all. I would say mine took about 20 minutes each time. I will warn you… it does hurt a little. It feels like a rubber band lightly snapping on your face. Certain areas hurt worse than others but overall its a very short lived pain and nothing terrible but did make my eyes water a couple of times and I’m pretty sure you can ask for numbing cream if you are nervous about it. Right after my skin felt fine but was red both times. It calmed down after about an hour. Over the next 7-10 days your dark spots you were treating will get darker and come to the surface of your skin. This process is called peppering. These spots will eventually form a scab like texture and they will flake off and then your dark spots are gone or either dramatically faded! This process is honestly really cool. You can put make up on over them and no one really noticed the darker spots and flaking except for me. There is no downtime with this treatment which is amazing. I have a full time job so I don’t have time for treatments that have a long recovery process. Depending on how severe your dark spots or issues you are wanting to get treated are will depend on how many sessions you need to see the results you are wanting. I saw amazing results after one treatment! But I have a few areas I wanted treated an extra time. This is something you could get done once a year to keep your skin clear, younger looking and smooth.

How much does it cost?

Monarch is having a November special that includes a chemical peel and a BBL Treatment for $315. A full face BBL normally on its own is $350 for a treatment at Monarch.

*To book with Monarch you can call 913-317-9386*

I hope that was helpful! Head to my Instagram to see videos and photos of my skin post treatment! I have a BBL highlight saved to my profile.


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